As you know, the exams are coming up and I know many of you are worried. My message to you however is:
DON'T PANIC. It is not our intention to trick you. The exam will be fair and will be based on the work you have done in class.
As noted in class, the majority exam of the questions will be based on the English in Medicine Textbook [i.e. about 25 of the 40 questions] . A number of questions however, will be based on the exercises in the Powerbase textbook.
Please note that while the
type of questions in the English in Medicine:1 part of the exam will be identical to those we have covered in class, the
topic of the questions will not be. That is, you will be given a text that relates to a party of the body
NOT in the textbook.
Please find below links to the sample and mid-term exams of last year. I have included a couple of Powerpoints that explain the answers. Do the exams first and then have a look at the answers. Please note that these exams
DO NOT contain questions similiar to those in the Powerbase book because it was not used last year.
Sample Mid-Term Exam [2010]2.
Answer Review Sample Mid -Term Exam [2010]
Mid-Term Exam [2010]4.
Answer Review Mid -Term Exam [2010]