Just a reminder that when preparing your speeches for next week that it is essential to make sure that the propositions you are arguing are
STRONG.For example, take the following topics suggested on the
suite101.com website posted earlier this week:
Do schools have the right to search students’ lockers?Should children be given sex education in schools?Should the state fund schools run by particular faiths?Should schools require their students to wear a school uniform?Are beauty contests harmful?In order to make these effective propositions, you need to replace the question words "do", "Should" and "Are" with the word "That":
That schools should / should not have the right to search students’ lockers!!That children should / should not be given sex education in schools!!That the state should fund schools run by particular faiths!!That should require their students to wear a school uniform!!That beauty contests are/are not harmful!!Remember you will be trying to convinve your audience that a particular proposition is true. In order to do this you will need to make sure it is strong.