Sunday, 31 January 2010
Saturday, 30 January 2010
Medical Online Resources:Dr. 90210 Celebrity Face Lift

You can pick the lips, nose, chins, eyes and hair of various celebrities such as: Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Patrick Dempsey, Leonardo DiCaprio, and James Lesuire [or Angelina Jolie, Beyonce and Cameron Diaz if that's the way you want to go] and then put them all together into what you imagine could be your ideal face.
The Dr. 90210 Celebrity Face Lift Game is a sample of technology that as notes is "in pioneering stages these days", but, as they also note "this will probably change drastically in the next five years and soon we will have very sophisticated 3D virtual models to makeover and dress-up."
Dr 902101 Celebrity Face Lift []
Friday, 29 January 2010
Medical Online Resources:Medical Books Free

One site developed specifically for Doctors and Medical Students is: . Among the subjects they cover are: Anaesthesiology, Anatomy, Biochemistry, Cardiovascular, Clinical Skills, Critical Care, Dermatology, Emergency, Endocrinology, Metabolism, Diabetes, Mellitus, ENT, Family Medicine, Gastroenterology, Hepatology, Practice, Hematology, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Internal Medicine, Medical Atlas, Medical Videos, Microbiology, Nephrology, Neurology/Neurosurgery, Nursing, Nutrition, Ob/Gynae, Oncology, Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Pathology, Pediatrics, Pharmacology, Physiology, Plastic Surgery, Primary Care, Psychiatry, Radiology, Respiratory, Statistics, Surgery, Urology. Check it out.
Free Books Free []
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Medical Online Resources:ToxMystery

ToxMystery has been usability tested by kids and educators, receiving according to them "high grades by all". Its for Kids but, have a go anyway and unwind after the exams!!
ToxMystery [National Library of Medicine]
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Assessment Update:Powerpoint Review: Final Exam

All the exams have been marked now, If you want your result, please text me:
1. your class [1 or 2]
2. your student number
and I will send you your mark out of 30. If you think a mistake has been made [although I warn you, they rarely are] please let me know.
Please note most students got 5 out of 5 for the Practical Listening so I won't send those marks. Please don't ask me for your final mark as it is produced by the examinations committee. Please also note that a decision has been made [not by me!!!] to give a greater weighting to your Final Exam mark in your final mark.
Powerpoint Review: Final Theoretical Exam
Sunday, 24 January 2010
Final Theoretical Exam:Questions & Answers

I will post the Review Powerpoint hopefully tonight.
Questions & Answers Final Exam []
Questions & Answers Final Exam []
Final Theoretical Exam:Other Powerpoint Links

Among the Powerpoint files I have put up are:
1. a Powerpoint containing the "correct these sentences" exercises for Units 4, 5 & 7.
2. Powerpoints for Units 4, 5, 6 & 7.
3. the Powerpoint Reviews for the Sample, Mid-Term & Practice Exams
If you have problems, text or phone me me before 12:30. Remember when you are using and some other sites you can only download one file at a time and there maybe an hourly limit on how many mb's you can download. For those of you worried about the "correct these sentences" questions at the end of the exam, look at the first link.
1. Correct These Sentences [Units 4, 5. & 7]
2. Lecture Powerpoint: Unit 4 [the Liver]
3. Lecture Powerpoint: Unit 5 [the Kidneys]
4. Lecture Powerpoint: Unit 6 [the Eye]
5. Lecture Powerpoint: Unit 7 [the Stomach]
6. Review Powerpoint: Sample Exam [the Skin]
7. Review Powerpoint: Mid-Term Exam [the Mouth]
8. Review Powerpoint: Practice Exam [the Nose]
Friday, 22 January 2010
Final Practical Exam:Listening

It might be an idea to make yourself aquainted with the various items being tested [e.g. Hact, BASO. EOSINO]. You will not have to fill out information related to the name of the patient.
Final Theoretical Exam:Exam Key Words

acidic, alkaline, clump, clusters, components, ducts, endocrine, enzymes, exocrine, glucagon, glycogen, lipase, metabolize, neutralize, nutrients, pancreas, regulation, slender, tract, trypsin, tucked
Final Practical Exam:Oral Exam Marks

If you would like to get your mark, please text me a text message with your:
- name [first & family]
- student number
- your class time [e.g. Sunday 11-2]
and I will try and send you the results as soon as possible.
Please note that I am invigilating exams on the main campus this week so don't worry if I don't get back to straight away. Overall the performances were quite good with some students doing much better. p.s. my number is: 0597932383
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Final Theoretical Exam:Review Powerpoint 3: Sample Exam

Review Powerpoint 3: Sample Exam
Tuesday, 19 January 2010

And, although I have said it again, it will say it again: the format of the exam will be exactly the same as the Sample, Mid-Term, and Practice Exams that have gone before it.
On a somewhat different matter, I am working away on calculating the marks for the Oral Component of the Practical Exam and am hoping to have the results finished before Saturday. Once finished I will put the results up on this blog using the last three digits of your student number.
Be good and happy
Final Theoretical Exam:Review Powerpoint 2: Mid-Term Exam

1. Exam Review 2: Mid-Term Exam
Sunday, 17 January 2010
Final Theoretical Exam:Review Powerpoint 1

1. Exam Review 1: Final Practice Exam
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Final Practical Exam:Some Final Points

1. Structure, Structure, Structure
Remember you should try to have:
* an introduction; and,
* a conclusion
In addition to the body of your speech. Try and make your them about 15 seconds each although given the amount of time you have your introduction should be longer than your conclusion.
2. KISS [Keep It Simple, Stupid!]
Remember that you need to keep the language simple. No big words!! The object of the exercise is to talk at a level an ordinary patient might understand.
3. Practice, Practice, Practice
Try and leave some time for practice. Do it in front of a mirror, a friend, your sister... You don't want to speak too long. Remember, you have at the most 3 minutes after that you will be stopped, stopped, stopped [Ibrahim, read my lips "Stopped !!!"]. You also don't want to speak for too short a time.
Finally, if you have any questions, email, phone or contact me by messenger. I will try and be on line when possible.
Now now, be good and happy, Simon
Final Exam:Final Details/Class Powerpoint

Please find below a copy of the Powerpoint that was presented in class last Wednesday which cntains details about the final Exam.
Also, for those students doing the Exam on Saturday, it is possible That Mr Hashim and I will be late as we have an urgent meeting at the University at 11:00. We will try and get away as soon as possible. If all classes could organize an order for their oral exams, life will be easier!!!
1. Lecture Powerpoint [Final Exam Details]
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
Lecture Extra:Bad Powerpoint Presentations

"PowerPoint Presentations: Some Things to Consider. With Emphasis on Things to Avoid!"
1. Powerpoint Presentation: Some Things To Consider [R.L.Erion]
Lecture Video:Unit 7: The Stomach

I have also included a link to a place where you can download the videos if you are interested.
1. The Stomach 1 []
2. The Stomach 2 []
3. The Stomach 1 [AVI file]
4. The Stomach 2 [AVI file]
Lecture Video:Unit 6: The Eye

I have also included a link where you can download the Video if you want.
1. The Human Eye []
2. The Human Eye [AVI file]
Final Practical Exam:Listening Questions

The nature of the questions in the listening part of the Practical Exam will be similar but not the same as the listening found in Task 8: Unit 5 in the textbook ie. it will involve noting down the results of a patients lab report as reported from lab technician to a doctor [click on the image to the left]. You will have to note down 10 pieces of information with ewach piece of information being worth 1/2 a mark each.
I have included the audio for this exercise on the link below. I will also post a sample conversation and blank lab report next week.
If you have any questions remember I will be available during my usual contact hours on Wednesday morning from 9 to 11 and also throughout the whle of next week.
1. Audio Task 8: Unit 5
Lecture Extra:Irregular Verbs

* the root form (present),
* (simple) past, and
* past participle.
While regular verbs have an -ed ending added to the root verb for both the simple past and past participle. ..Irregular verbs do not follow this pattern, and instead take on an alternative pattern.
Find below links to the Purdue University Online Writing Page on irregular verbs; and, some exercises to help yopu recognize them.
1. Irregular Verbs []
2. Grammar Exercise: Irregular verbs []
3. Using Irregular Verbs []
Lecture Powerpoint:Unit 7: The Stomach

p.s. Check here and here for audios for the practice exam and the Lecture on the eye.
1. Lecture Powerpoint: Unit 7: The Stomach
2. Lecture Audio: Unit 7: The Stomach
Sunday, 10 January 2010
Workshop Powerpoint:Unit 7: Treatment
1. Powerpoint - Unit 7: Treatment
2. Audio Files - Unit 7: Treatment
Medical Online
There aim is to: "... improve public health and safety by giving information on medicines that is up-to-date, accurate and comprehensive".They claim to work closely with the NHS, the pharmaceutical industry, patients and healthcare professionals to "create simple and accessible medicines information services".
In addition to their Medicine Guide, Datapharm currently provides three other medicine related resources:
1. electronic Medicines Compendium (eMC)
2. X-PIL service
3. A Dictionary of Medicines and Devices
Please find below links to the Home Page of; the homepage of the Online Guide to Medicines; and a Sample page dealing with Human SoluableInsulin.
1. Home Page []
2. Home Page []
3. Sample: Insulin Soluble Human
Medical Online
The website is owned and operated by the Drugsite Trust. The Drugsite Trust is a privately held Trust administered by two New Zealand Pharmacists. The website is hosted in a data center located in Virginia, USA.
Find below links to the Hompepage and a Sample page related to the drug Naproxern.
1. Home Page []
2. Sample: Naproxen
Saturday, 9 January 2010
Medical Online Information::Stanford Hospital & Clinics: Health Information
On the page are links to
1. Stanford Reviewed Health Information(provided by the Stanford Health Library)
2. Health Information (provided by the National Library of Medicine) and
3. Clinical Trials
Find below links to the home page of the site and a sample page located on it releated to Femoral Popliteal Bypass Surgery.
1. Home Page [Stanford Hospital & Clinics: Health Information]
2. Sample: Femoral Popliteal Bypass Surgery
Friday, 8 January 2010
Lecture Powerpoint:Unit 6:The Eye

A copy of the audio is also included. Please note however that the Listening activities for the Unit have not been added yet. I will add them when they are to hand.
1. Powerpoint Unit 6: The Eye
2. Audio Unit 7: The Eye
Practice ExamQuestions & Answers & Listening Text

A link to the Audio File has also been added.
If you have any questions about why the answers are what they are, please ask.
1. Practice Exam [Q, A & L.T.]
2. Practice Exam [Audio]
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
EMP Web ResourcesHealthwise Knowledgebase

According to their website, people use Healthwise information ''more than 100 million times a tear [in order to ] to take an active role in their health''.
According to the healthwise people: ''..the best formula for making health decisions is to combine the most reliable medical facts with [their] personal feelings. Put more simply: Medical Information + Their Information = Better Health Decisions''.
Peoples decisions, they argue: ''...influence [their] overall well-being as well as the quality and cost of [their] care. By taking an active role in [their] health, [people] are likely to be happier with the care [they] receive and the results [they] achieve.''
Find below links to the Home Page of the site and the links on the general site to the various bodies of information on the data base .
2. Health Topics: Illnesses, diseases, symptoms, first aid, wellness...
3. Topics by Category: Topics grouped by related health category...
4. Symptom Checker: Body map to help find and learn about symptoms...
5. Decision Points: Tools for making health decisions...
6. Medical Tests: Tests and exams for medical conditions...
7. Medications: Prescription and non-prescription drugs..
8. Interactive Tools: Quizzes and calculators to help manage health...
9. Support Groups: Self-help and support groups...
Final Theoretical Exam:Practice Exam

The subject of the practice exam will be 'the nose' and it will follow the same format as both the mid-term and final exams:
_30 Questions:
_20 Reading :
___5 find the word;
___5 complete the sentence;
___5 multiple choice;
___5 True/False
_5 Listening:
___5 True/False,
_5 Grammar:
___5 correct the sentence
There will be no marks given for this exercise but it will give you an opportunity to practice for the final exam and find out where your weaknesses [if any] are.
I will post a copy of the exam along with the answers and transcripts of the listening tomorrow [ Wednesday] night.
Medical Online Resources:Harvard/ Symptom Checker

'While they know they should probably call to make a doctor's appointment', Trisha Torrey notes in her article about Symptom Checkers, members of the general public of what their doctor might tell them are increasingly turning to online symptom checkers.
One of the most popular and well know of these is the one developed by the Medical School at Harvard University the information from which is also available at Here people can chick on a part of the body and then choose from a list of symptoms to determine what condition they might have.
Please check below f0r links to: the articles by Trisha Torry in online symtpom checkers; the Harvard and sites for their symptom checker; and, a sample page on symptoms related to the ear nose and throat. I'll be posting links to some more 'symptom checkers' in coming weeks.
1. Using Health Website Symptom Checkers []
2.. Symptom Checker [ Site]
3. Symptom Checker [Harvard Site]
4. Sample: ENT Sypmtoms
EMP Web Resources:Get Body Smart

While it is being constructed, he is: ''inviting all interested teachers, students, healthcare professions, and others to use the free tutorials and quizzes in GetBodySmart to help explain the body's complex physiological interactions and illustrate its important anatomical landmarks.''
The site is in the very early stages of development, and he notes that a lot of content is still missing. He is however trying to make additions/updates every day. Check it out.
1. Get Body Smart []
2. Sample: The Nose and Nasal Cavity
Sunday, 3 January 2010
Workshop Powerpoint:Unit 6: Making A Diagnosis

1. Powerpoint: Unit 6 - Making a Diagnosis
2. Audio: Unit 6 - Making a Diagnosis
Lecture Homework:Unit 6: The Eye

Medical Onlined Information:Your Total Health: iVillage

Given that the iVillage network is a destination intended primarilly for women, with an active women's community, horoscopes, health and pregnancy information, message boards, and blogs. Your Total Health has a special interest in issues related to women's health.
In addition to regular features on: Staying Healthy, Women & Family, and, Diet and Fitness, they have links to their 'top conditions' which include:Allergy & Asthma, Alzheimer’s Disease, Anxiety, Arthritis, Blood Pressure, and Breast Cancer,
They also a Quizzes & Self Test feature at the bottom of their Home Page where you can test your knowledge.
Finf beow links to the Home Page and a Sample condition 'Murphy's Sign'
1. Homepage []
2. Sample: Murphy's Sign
Medical Information Online:Lab Test Onlin

Their Features Page describes what you can find on the site, and how it can benefit patients. The site is the product of a collaboration of professional societies representing the lab community. They launched the site at a time when health care consumers were being asked to assume more responsibility for their care.
Knowing more about lab tests and the issues surrounding testing, they belived, is: ''an important step in this direction and hoped that patients would find this site a help in taking that step.''
Find below links to the Home Page for the site and a Sample page related to Full Blood Counts.
1. Home Page []
2. Sample: Full Blood Counts
EMP Web Resources:NHS Choices Body Map

You can search for different body parts ie. the head & Neck, the Chest & Back, the Arms & the Hands, the Abdomen, and the Legs & the Feet and subjects related to the whole body ie. Blood, Nerves, Bones, Muscles, Circulation, Skin, Hair and Joints.
You might find it useful once you find out the topic of the final exam.
1. HNS Choices: Body Map
Medical Online Information:NHS: Choices

The service is intended to help users make choices about their health, from lifestyle decisions about things like smoking, drinking and exercise, through to the practical aspects of finding and using NHS services in England when they need them.
It draws together the knowledge and expertise of:
- the NHS Evidence: Health Information Resources (formerly National Library for Health),
- the Information Centre for Health and Social Care,
- the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and many other organisations.
Please find below links to the Home Page for the site and a sample page related to Migranes.
1. Home Page []
2. Sample: Migranes
Medical Online Information>Mayo Clinic

The Web site aims to: ''offer more ways to get information — search by symptom, procedure, disease or condition, with convenient tabs on every page for quick links to comprehensive resources about specific health conditions''.
Backed by the expertise of Mayo Clinic, provides the peace of mind that results from knowing its medical information comes from some of the world's leading experts. Users can sign up for a free weekly e-newsletter, "Housecall," which includes the latest health information from Mayo Clinic.
Links:1. Home Page []
2. Sample: Cervical Spondylosis
Medical Onlinene Information:e-Medicine

The evidence-based content, updated regularly by more than 8,000 attributed physician or health care provider authors and editors, provides the latest practice guidelines in 38 clinical areas. The eMedicine Clinical Knowledge Base contains articles on over 6,500 diseases and medical topics, and is richly illustrated with some 28,000 multimedia files.
New eMedicine articles, they claim: ''... undergo several levels of physician peer review plus an additional review by a PharmD prior to publication. Sources for subsequent revisions of articles include the author, a physician or PharmD member of the editorial board, user-driven feedback, and systematically reviewed medical literature''.
1. Home Page []
2. Sample: Temporal arteritis
Medical Online Information>WebHealth Centre

The site is designed, developed and maintained by Tata Consultancy Services, Asia's largest software consultancy, in association with some of the region's top medical institutions and professionals.
Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has been developing and maintaining healthcare solutions for clients in India and overseas for the last two decades. TCS, state that: ''..being pioneers in this field, ...[they have].. resources and considerable expertise spread across various locations of the world''.
Find links below to: the Home Page on the site; and, a Sample Information Page on: Viral Fever.Links:
1. Home Page []
2. Sample: Viral Fever
Medical Online Information: Patient UK

In December 2002, Patient UK was re-launched as a joint venture between PiP and EMIS (Egton Medical Information Systems). For the re-launch Patient UK was extensively revised and considerably more content was been added.
Their aim is: '' be a reliable and comprehensive source of health and disease information, mainly aimed at the UK general public, but of interest to all.''
Please find below links to: the Home Page for the site; and a 'Sample page' related to: Space Occupying Lesions.
1. Home Page [Patient UK]
2. Sample: Space Occupying Lesions
Friday, 1 January 2010
Medical Online Information:Net Doctor

Over 250 of the UK's and Europe's leading doctors and health professionals write, edit and update the contents of In addition to creating written content for the patient these same health professionals respond to users questions and concerns regarding general health concerns.
The site ''About Us'' page notes that: ''Our editorial independence and reliance on professional advice is our single most important asset. There is a clear distinction between the editorial and business staff. As a matter of policy our doctors, writers and editors are not allowed to be influenced or answerable to our sponsors or advertisers. We follow the same standards of practice as the leading medical journals.''
Please find below links to: Net Doctor's home page; the indexes for 'Diseases & Conditions' and 'Examinations & Tests'
1. Net Doctor []
2. Index: Diseases & Conditions
3. Index: Examinations & Test
4. Sample: Cystoscopy
5. Sample: Dementia
Medical Online InformationBetter Health

The website was founded in 1999 by the Victorian Government, Australia as a consumer health information website for the Victorian community. It is now Australia's most popular health and medical website.
The site’s aim has always been to provide free health and medical information in an easy to understand format and language.
Thanks to the support of Better Health Channel visitors, partners and staff, what started as a modest website of around 100 facts sheets has now become a large repository of over 1,770 facts sheets, hundreds of healthy recipes, interactive features and calculators, directories and more.
Find below links to: the home page of the site; the Fact Sheets page which has links to the various categories of 'Fact Sheets' including 'Diseases & Conditions' and 'Treatments'; Patients information; and two sample pages related to Lapartomy & Arthritis. Check it out. You might find it uselful for your oral exam. More site to come in the next couple of days.
1. Better Health []
2. Fact Sheets [Better Health]
3. Patient Information [Better Health]
4. Sample 1: Laparotomy
5. Sample 2: Athritis
Final Practical Exam:Details & Assessment Sheet

The talk will need to be:
* related to a topic covered in this semester’s practical classes [see options below]; and
* aimed at a level that can be understood by the general public.
While students will be allowed to use notes, obviously students who speak without notes will be given credit for doing so.
Students will however be given at least a pass grade if they manage to speak for two minutes and answer questions.
The senario for you talk will be as follows:
You have been asked to come and speak to two representatives of the general public about a medical related issue. You will be given two to three minutes to speak and will need to answer a couple of questions. Given that the representatives of the general public [Mr. Hasham Khan & Dr Simon Combe] are not medical experts, the talk will need to be aimed at a level they can understand. Likewise, it may be expected that their questions will also be aimed at a general [i.e. non specialist level].
The presentation, including the answers to the questions, will be assessed using the attached assessment form and will relate to:
* Content: Topic, Information, Answers [to questions]
* Method: Introduction, Body, Conclusion
* Presentation: Posture, Eye contact, Gesture
* Others: Use of notes, Fluidity, Comprehensibility
A mark will also be given based on:
* General Impression
The topics of your talks will need to relate to the topics covered in this semester’s practical classes. These might include for example:
* A medical condition: e.g. diabetes, lung cancer, menopause, myocardial infarction etc...
* A medical procedure or test: e.g. Chest X-Rays, ECG’s MRI’s, Serum Cholesterol Test etc...
* An issue in patient/doctor communication: e.g. taking a history, Examining a Patient, etc...
If you have any questions about the suitability of a topic, please ask.
Find below links to a copy of the exam details in Word format; and, a copy of the assessment sheet that will be used to assess your performance.
1. Final Practical/Oral Exam [Details]
2. Final Practical/Oral Exam [Assessment Sheet]