According to their website, people use Healthwise information ''more than 100 million times a tear [in order to ] to take an active role in their health''.
According to the healthwise people: ''..the best formula for making health decisions is to combine the most reliable medical facts with [their] personal feelings. Put more simply: Medical Information + Their Information = Better Health Decisions''.
Peoples decisions, they argue: ''...influence [their] overall well-being as well as the quality and cost of [their] care. By taking an active role in [their] health, [people] are likely to be happier with the care [they] receive and the results [they] achieve.''
Find below links to the Home Page of the site and the links on the general site to the various bodies of information on the data base .
2. Health Topics: Illnesses, diseases, symptoms, first aid, wellness...
3. Topics by Category: Topics grouped by related health category...
4. Symptom Checker: Body map to help find and learn about symptoms...
5. Decision Points: Tools for making health decisions...
6. Medical Tests: Tests and exams for medical conditions...
7. Medications: Prescription and non-prescription drugs..
8. Interactive Tools: Quizzes and calculators to help manage health...
9. Support Groups: Self-help and support groups...
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