Below find the links to an AVI file on the video; and a copy of the video available on Youtube.
The Circulatory System Video [AVI]
The Circulatory System Video [YouTube]
Find below links to: the Wikipedia page of Medical Procedures which includes links to other pages detailing a whole range of them; the proceduresconsult.com website [for more information see the post below]; and the list of Medical Procedures on the medicinenet.com
[information of which I have posted before].
Medical Procedures [Wikipedia]
Medical Procedure [proceduresconsult.com]
Medical Procedure [medicinenet.com]
Tongue Twisters can be found in many languages and have been a commonly used tool in English language classes to help students improve their fluency. Given that doctors and other people in the medical professions often need to say quite complex things fairly rapidly [just watch ER, House or any of the other medical related programs of TV to see what I mean] Tongue twisters are especially useful for Medical Students.
Find below a link to the "1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters" web site which claims to have the 's largest collection of tongue twisters. Ive also included direct links to their English and Arabic tongue twister pages..
1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters [General]
1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters [English]
1st International Collection of Tongue Twisters [Arabic]
The ACSH decided that people needed to 'be given specific details of tobacco's deleterious impact on every site of the body and every organ system. Find below links to the website along with a link to the page on the site that has links to pages that have in formation about the effects that smoking has on the different system within the body including, of course, the respiratory system.
1. thescooponsmoking.org
2. thescooponsmoking.org/effects