Liz-&-John Soars [2008] The-New-Headway-Intermediate-[Students-Book]: The-‘New’ [3rd] Edition-Oxford-University-Press:-Oxford.
Liz-&-John-Soars [2008] The-New-Headway-Intermediate-[Work-Book]: The-‘New’-[3rd] Edition-Oxford-University-Press:-Oxford.
Original copies are now available at the copy center on the men's campus and at Hattary Bookshop, 25 Street, Shuhada Shamalaih [near the fire station]. in town. You can phone Mr. Sinan Hasan for details as to how to get there on: 0508324251.
Please do NOT purchase the New Headway Plus edition. It is not the edition we are using. Only purchase the 'new' or '3rd' editions.
Please find below updated pdf versions of the books:
Students Book
Work Book