"There are", the website notes: "several additional rooms, such as a staff room for your employees to rest, a toilet so that patients don't have to relieve themselves in the corridors, a research department to get the most advanced diagnostic and treatment technologies and a training room where consultants can teach a thing or two to rookies, making them capable doctors. The size and layout of each room can be set by the player, according to the available space. In addition to rooms, the player must provide radiators, seating for patients and drink machines".
Find below links to the Moby-Games website where copies of the games can be purchased for downloading; and, a link to a page where the game can be downloaded for free.
p.s. I have been able to successfully download the game from the given website but have been unable to complete the unzipping of the ISO zipped file. If any of you are successful in getting the game up and running, let me know.
Theme-Hospital [Moby-Games]
Theme-Hospital download links
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