According to the MobyGames.com web site,
Hospital-Tycoon, ,is a level-based hospital management simulation where players can start on an empty building, and then assemble rooms with all kinds of material, from desks and file cabinets for the general diagnosis to the expensive ultra-scanners and x-rays to diagnose such bizarre diseases such as
'chimpanzeesis' or
'stressozombieac', and treat them with more or less bizarre machines like a normal hand pump. There several additional rooms, such as a staff room for your employees to rest, a research department to get the most advanced diagnostic and treatment technologies and a training room where consultants can teach a thing or two to rookies, making them capable doctors. The size and layout of each room can not be freely chosen but instead you've access to different room layouts like a 4x8 or a 12x12 to the available space. These rooms also come with a changing cubicle and a desk with a computer. Whatever additional medical item you place inside that room, defines it's function. So if you place a operation-table into it, it will automatically become a surgery. In addition to rooms, the player must provide seating for patients, vendor machines and generally a nice environment.
Find below links to the MobyGames web site where you can details about the game and how to buy it online; and, a website where you can download the game for free.
Hospital-Tycoon-Product Details-[MobyGames.com]2.
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