Friday 5 March 2010

Lecture Extra:The Scoop On Smoking

The Scoop On Smoking on smoking website was designed by the American Council on Science and Health [ACSH] to "present in a highly accesible, interactive manner, detailed facts about the health consequences of tobacco use". They believed there was a need for the site because "... too teens (and adults) [were] simply told that using tobacco -- particularly smoking cigarettes -- is "dangerous". Even the government-mandated warning label [gave] only a few words of caution -- all in very general terms. But the devil is in the details."

The ACSH decided that people needed to 'be given specific details of tobacco's deleterious impact on every site of the body and every organ system. Find below links to the website along with a link to the page on the site that has links to pages that have in formation about the effects that smoking has on the different system within the body including, of course, the respiratory system.


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