Tuesday 10 November 2009

Online Medicine Resources'The Terminology of Health and Medicine': Companion Site'

As I am sure you know, there are hundreds of English language textbooks on the market aimed at Medical students. What you may not know is that many of these textbooks also have companion sites on the web which provide many resources that are useful for students anting to improve their medical knowledge and English at the same time.

One such site that you may find useful is the companion site to the textbook ''
The Terminology of Health and Medicine A Self-Instructional Program'' by Jane Rice. With web based resources for each of the 15 chapters in the book covering such subjects as medical terminology and the various systems in the body, you can find 'Multiple Choice', 'True or False', 'Fill in the Blanks', 'Essay Questions' and 'Glossaries'

The link below is for the Chapter 1 Resources. Click on the downward arrow in the link bar to scroll down to the links to the resources for the other chapters.

The Terminology of Health and Medicine' Companion Site'

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